How to Cure Back Pain?

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Nature has created our spinal structure in a miraculous manner. Thus, we can bend and twist our back in a way we want. It is composed of bones, tissues, ligaments and muscles. But this structure of the spine, also makes it more prone to injuries. Lower back provides support to maintain a good posture, allows movement and protects certain body tissues. A minor harm to this area can lead to chronic back pain and other bodily disorders. Upper back pain can occur as a result of spine inflammation, frozen shoulder, clots in the chest.

There are several other factors which can give rise to back pain like improper posture, lifting heavy weight objects and also lifting something in an inappropriate way, muscle spasm, strained muscles, sleeping on bad/uncomfortable mattresses. There are structural causes too which can lead to acute back pain which include, osteoporosis, arthritis, ruptured disks and abnormal structure of the spine. In some cases, the actual cause of back pain is never found.

A list of day to day activities which can give rise to back pain:

  • Long hours of driving
  • Bending abruptly
  • Hunched back (while working on a computer or while driving, watching TV etc)
  • Muscle tension
  • Intense workouts
  • Pushing something too heavy (for eg: a sofa)
  • Acid Reflux which we call acidity in simple terms.

Diagnosis of back pain

When you feel frequent pain in the lower or upper area of your spine, the first thing that you need to do is consult your physician, who may refer you to further precautions or procedures that need to be taken. He may ask you to take one of the following tests:

  • pH monitoring
  • Endoscopy
  • Biopsy
  • Impedance monitoring
  • Barium X-ray
  • Esophageal manometry

If the pain in your back is caused by acid reflux, these lifestyle changes may give you some relief:

  • Stop smoking
  • Balance your body weight
  • Avoid heavy meals
  • Stay away from exercises that generate pressure on your abdomen
  • Do not lie down immediately after taking meals
  • Avoid the intake of medicines that are associated with heartburn irritation.

Natural treatments / remedies of back pain

Betel Leaves (Pan): Mix the juice of these leaves to your regular coconut oil and massage gently on the affected areas. This will give instant relief in back pain.

Lemongrass: A very effective ointment which will prevent and relieve back pain. Mix lemongrass and coconut oil. The proportion of coconut oil should be more than that of lemongrass oil. Massage your back daily with this mixture of oils.

Aloe Vera: Aloe vera is known for its medicinal properties. Consume the pulp of one leaf or rub the gel of the leaf on your back. This has to be repeated daily to get relief from back pain.

Garlic: Apply garlic paste on your back for half an hour and then rinse it with normal water. You may even massage your back with garlic oil or consume 3-4 cloves of garlic on an empty stomach every morning.