Image Source: explorelifestyle.com
What causes dandruff?
Although there can be a number of things causing dandruff but the most common amongst all of them is dry skin. Excessive dryness and lack of moisture can result into itchy scalp and white flakes called dandruff. Other causes of dry scalp and dandruff include oily skin, psoriasis, irregular shampooing, eczema, overgrowth of a yeast-like fungus called malassezia and harsh hair products.
How to find out if you have dandruff?
Rub your head vigorously with your fingers over a dark colored cloth or a sheet of paper. If you notice tiny white flakes on the sheet you have a dry scalp. Although you can find it for yourself, but consulting a dermatologist could be a better option.
How can you treat dandruff?
There are a number of shampoos which claim to fight dandruff and dry scalp, you can choose one as per your hair type and budget. Always make sure to go for a mild shampoo. If they don’t seem to work for you, try some of these home remedies:
Coconut Oil: Massage your scalp with coconut oil and leave it overnight or at least an hour before washing your hair. Coconut oil is readily available in the market and has zero side effects. It is normally suitable for all types of hair.
Aspirin: Aspirin composition is the same as a lot of medicated shampoos. Crush a couple of aspirins and add the powder to your regular amount of shampoo that you apply to your hair. Leave for about 2 to 3 minutes and rinse with normal shampoo and cold water.
Mouthwash: Mouthwash has antibacterial and anti fungal properties which will prevent the growth of yeast. After washing your hair with normal shampoo, rinse it with an alcohol based mouthwash. Apply your regular conditioner and rinse with normal water.
Aloe Vera: The cooling properties of aloe vera will soothe your scalp and help you get rid of itchiness and irritation. Massage your scalp with aloe gel before going for a shampoo.
Salt: Sprinkle some salt on your head right from the saltshaker. Rub it with your fingers then wash with your regular shampoo. The harshness of salt will remove all the dead, dry skin thereby giving a relief in dandruff problem.
Lemon: The acidic properties of lemon will help balance the pH level and prevent your scalp from drying. Cut a lemon, rub it on your scalp and then wash with normal shampoo. This can be repeated daily until you get the desired results.
Garlic: It has anti fungal properties which will fight and eliminate bacteria causing dandruff and itchy scalp. Before washing your hair normally, crush 2-3 garlic and rub on your scalp. To avoid the pungent smell of garlic, you can even mix it with few drops of honey before applying on the scalp.
Try any one of these natural remedies to get rid of dandruff and if you have other home treatments for dryness and dandruff, do share them with us at GoNirog Healthcare.