Image Source: mphoria.com
Struggling to get a good night’s sleep has become a very usual scenario in today’s world. When a person cannot fall asleep or stay asleep, he is most likely to be suffering from a sleep disorder named insomnia. As a result of insomnia, both quality as well as quantity of sleep may get affected.
To cure any kind of disease, it is essential to know its cause. Same goes with insomnia. There can be a number of things which may cause lack of sleep, like stress, depression, irregular sleeping schedule, alcohol, drugs, smoking.
Apart from these, there are various medical conditions such as asthma, arthritis, migraine and any kind of diseases that involve unbearable pain may give rise to insomnia.
Worrying unnecessarily about past events and future responsibilities may often distract your brain and make it difficult for you to sleep. This is why tension is considered to be the most common cause of insomnia. Although worrying is not a disease and thus cannot be cured by any specific medication. It can always be minimized by adapting a better way of living.
Insomnia is generally categorized into two types: Primary and Secondary. Primary insomnia is when the sleeping disorder is not related to any other health issues, while secondary insomnia arises as a result of critical or minor medical conditions.
The duration of insomnia may also vary depending on how long it lasts. Acute insomnia is the one which takes place for just a while, whereas chronic insomnia is when a person has continuous sleepless nights for a very long period of time.
We at GoNirog Healthcare always strive to come up with answers to all your health related issues. Here are a few tips on how you can enjoy an interrupted and peaceful sleep at night.
- Make sure to do at least ten minutes of meditation everyday before going to bed and early in the morning. Meditation is known to calm anxiety and bring down the blood pressure to a normal level.
- Avoid taking painkillers every now and then without consulting your physician. A pain reliever tablet may ease the sensation for a while but in the long run these high power drugs may result into a severe damage to the internal system.
- Exercise also helps in ensuring a better sleep. Few minutes of exercise may help generate heat and release all the good hormones, thereby relaxing your body and mind.
- Your diet has a very huge impact on the quality of your sleep. Try not to have heavy meals before bedtime so that you do not face discomfort and uneasiness while sleeping. Also cut down too much of spicy, oily and sweet foods from your diet.
If you are suffering from insomnia, give these remedies a try and say goodbye to sleepless nights forever. Also Do Not Forget To Checkout GoNirog Healthcare For More News On Wellness And Lifestyle!!