Depression is Not a Disease it is a Mental State

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Depression can be termed as an unpleasant feeling of sorrow, grief that directly affects the brain. If this continues for a long period of time, it may even interfere with body weight, metabolism and functioning of the internal system.


Unlike other diseases, depression cannot be viewed physically, it does not cause any cuts or wounds on the body. It is a mental state wherein a person has to deal with negative emotions such as hopelessness and guilt. A person facing depression may lack interest in day to day activities due to unpredictable mood swings. It affects greatly on the way you think, react and behave with the people around you.


All of us get discouraged in life at some point of time, but if this feeling of hopelessness continues for a long period of time, it may result into depression.

Depression generally arises due to phenomena such as broken relationships, bad grades in studies, poverty and several other unforeseen circumstances. Feeling of underestimation, lack of self-confidence, low self-esteem are also some of the common causes of depression.


Although depression does not show any bodily signs or symptoms, it is very vital to recognize it on the right time to take active measures for the same. It can occur during any age, but it is very common amongst teens and women. In most of the cases, a person who is depressed may experience suicidal thoughts.

Regular feeling of uselessness, hatred towards self, recurring suicidal thoughts, sudden weight gain/loss, insomnia, fatigue, restlessness or uneasiness, overthinking are some of the indications that the person might be suffering from depression.

If any individual around you expresses the intentions of suicide, he should be taken very seriously. In many instances, people who attempt a suicide are patients of severe depression, alcohol abuse or mental illness.


As mentioned earlier, depression is a state of mind which arises due to negative experiences in life. It takes nothing but proper counseling and a pinch of love and cure to cure depression. Motivating a depressed soul can work wonders in helping him/her gain confidence.

A number of studies reveal that people who come from a supportive family background and have an optimistic social circle are less likely to get depressed.

Even though there are medications available for depression, they only work if combined with a positive environment, proper diet and enough sleep. At times, people face such emotions only because of minor reasons such as irregular time of sleeping and unhealthy eating habits. So to tackle any kind of illness, it is essential to follow a good lifestyle.

Spend more time with your loved ones. Participate in activities interest you, which will keep your mind diverted. The best way to stay away from depression is to keep yourself engaged with all the good stuff.

Meditation is known to calm anxiety and stress. Practicing 5 to 10 min of breathing exercises should help release all the negativity from your body as well as mind. Unlike other exercises, Yoga does not demand any kind of resources and can be performed by people of all age group.

With the right kind of therapy and optimistic attitude, it becomes easy to tackle with something as big as depression. Keep yourself surrounded with positivity and peace. Another thing that you can do is keep yourself updated with GoNirog Healthcare with all the latest news on health and fitness.